18/19 The Devil and the Daylong Brothers: A Thrilling Tale of Revenge and Redemption Set deep in the kudzu-choked depths of the American South, The Devil and the Daylong Brothers takes viewers on a thrilling journey through a world of darkness and despair. As the story unfolds, three brothers embark...
The Woman in the Yard Ac3.10Bit PSA
26/46 Danielle Deadweiler (Till, The Harder They Fall, The Piano Lesson) plays Ramona, a woman crippled by grief after surviving a car accident that killed her husband (Russell Hornsby; BMF, Fences). Having suffered serious injuries, Ramona must now take care of their 14-year-old son (Peyton Jackson; Respect, American Refugee) and...
Star Trek: Seção 31 2025 1080p.BRRip NFX
30/10 Michelle Yeoh reprisa seu papel como Imperadora Philippa Georgiou, juntando-se à secreta divisão da Frota Estelar. Encarregada de proteger a Federação Unida dos Planetas, ela também deve confrontar os crimes de seu passado. enlace bits para